Sunday, July 02, 2006
Ubuntu Link Fest For June
To wrap up June here are several articles about Ubuntu that I found interesting.
- Ubuntu Dapper Tutorials, Howtos, and More: How to Install other desktop environments
- Ubuntu Dapper Tutorials, Howtos, and More: Setup Your Computer to be a Router
- Installing a firewall on Ubuntu
- Ten tips for new Ubuntu users
- Inside Open Source: Switch to Ubuntu
- Yet Another Linux Blog: Unique Tips for New Ubuntu Users
- UbuntusOS: Podcast
- PlanetJoel: HOWTO: Windows XP running under Xen 3.0 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
- informBank: Setting Up the Perfect Ubuntu Linux Desktop
- NewsForge: Planning for Ubuntu Edgy: A mid-week report from the Ubuntu developer's conference
- NewsForge: Ubuntu Developer Summit Paris: New alliances, new horizons
- A first look at MEPIS's new Ubuntu-based Linux
- Book covers setting up, using, and hacking Ubuntu
- LinuxPlanet: How Dapper is Drake?
- Tectonic: Two South Africans first to certify for Ubuntu
- Rhosgobel: Radagast's home: Installing Ubuntu: A comparison of Ubuntu 6.06 and Windows XP
- noenemies: 9 Ways to Beautify Dapper
- rubyrailways: Install Internet Explorer on Ubuntu Dapper in 3 easy steps
- LinuxGuy: Ubuntu 6.06: Some Polish Needed
- enterprise networking planet: A Dapper Drake in Your Server Closet?
- Lenwood: Ubuntu Rocks on Laptops
- O'Reilly Linux Devcenter: Meet The Newest Member of the Ubuntu Family: Introducing Xubuntu
- Panthar’s Lair: PHP with MSSQL on Ubuntu 6.06
- nixCraft: Ubuntu Linux: Creating ethernet alias for eth0 network device
- search open source: Could Dapper Drake give Ubuntu a last laugh in Linux server space?
- eHomeUpgrade: How-To: Get Full Multimedia Support and Playback Capabilities in Ubuntu Desktop Linux