Friday, April 20, 2007


Ubuntu Feisty Fawn -- Ubuntu 7.04

This has been a big week for Ubuntu. Feisty Fawn has been released. Way to go Ubuntu team.

In the last two days I have read several postings on the new version of Ubuntu. My interest has been peaked. I am looking forward to updating my pc. The following blog postings will help me get the new version and configure it. has a list of several mirror sites for getting Ubuntu.

The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04)

Unofficial Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Starter Guide

Howto upgrade from Ubuntu 6.10 to Ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04 Linux

Friday, February 23, 2007


Programs for the new Ubuntu user

I have seen several posts about "must have tools" for Ubuntu. Here is a summary of the tools I have seen so far. Any additions?

- deluge

Music Player
- amarok
- xmms
- vlc
- mplayer

Running Windows porgrams on Linux
- wine

Eye Candy
- betyl

Chat / irc
- amsn
- xchat
- irssi

- kobo
- driod battles
- Nexuiz
- OpenArena
- Termulous
- Frozen Bubbles

- gftp
- FirtFTP (Firefox add-on)

Development Tools
- kdevelop
- Eclipse
- Anjuta
- kate
- Code::Blocks
- Geany IDE
- Monodevelop

Image Editting
- Gimp

- Firefox
- Swifterfox

- OpenOffice

Text Editor / Editing
- vim
- emacs

- Automatix
- Envy

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Utilties for Linux/Unix

Rich Burridge has post on his blog entitled "I Want A Freeware Utility To..."

I am not crazy about the title of post. When I hear Freeware a shiver goes up my spine, I had a lot of bad luck with Freeware back in the DOS 6 and Windows 3.1 days. The software turned out to be more trouble for the price. Today, I am interested in open source and have had a lot of good luck with open source software. After scanning the list, it appears Rich is using the term Freeware in the sense of free software.

I have used a few of the utilities on Rich's list with good results. I will have to keep an eye on the list to see how it grows and changes.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


352 Linux Distributions

Wow. 352 Linux distributions on a single page.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Free (As In Free Beer) Linux Class is offer a free 'Introduction to Linux Basics' class.

The course's study guide will be "LBook," an edited version of Introduction to Linux: A Hands on Guide by Machtelt Garrels, which is distributed under the GNU GPL open-source license which you can get from their website.

I have done a 5 minute scan of the of the book. There is a lot of good material here. I will have to add the book to my reading list.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Ubuntu Link Fest For June

To wrap up June here are several articles about Ubuntu that I found interesting.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Four alternative operating systems

Site: NewsForge
Post: Four alternative operating systems

The NewsForge article show cases four lesser know operating systems. I find it interesting what each OS focused on and what applications they include.

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